Most people know about orthodontics as moving teeth to make one have straight teeth. Many children nowadays have braces to correct crooked teeth. To make your child’s teeth fit into a small jaw, one option is to have teeth extracted to allow space for teeth to fit; the other option is to expand the jaw to create the space for teeth to fit without extraction.
At Geelong Family Dental Care Grovedale, our dentists believe in creating room in your child’s jaw with myofunctional appliances and allow for all their teeth to fit. We prefer this option as it is our belief that this allows the child to grow to their maximum genetic potential.That is the aim we have orthodontically at Geelong Family Dental Care.
To achieve this, it is best to assess the patient orthodontically from an early age. One reason is that we rely on the child’s growth potential to create the space for their teeth (the upper jawis close to 80% grown at 8 years old!). Another reason is we would like to know what is creating the issue with the child having a narrow arch form. For instance,when a child is unable to breathe through their nose (e.g. it could be an adenoidal/tonsillar issue), they will naturally want to breathe through their mouth. This creates abnormal breathing and swallowing patterns. When this occurs, their tongue is postured downwards on their lower jaw rather than their upper jaw. This prevents the upper jaw from growing to its full potential, causin constriction of the upper jaw and hence the limits the space for teeth to fit.The earlier we pick these things up, the better success we have of creating the space to fit the teeth as well as create a healthier patient overall. So there is no better time than now to book your child in for an assessment of their crowded teeth at Family Dental Care Grovedale.
From the day the infant breastfeeds to the nutrition they consume to the way they breathe, we discuss/manage all these so that the teeth, jaws, airways are functioning well for a better healthier patient. Seeing our patients grow to their maximum potential is our greatest reward in orthodontics.
How is no extraction orthodontics achieved?
Dr Beng So and his team at Geelong Family Dental Care will assess what is going on with the patient. We need to find out any habits (tongue thrust, thumb sucking etc) that maybe causing the problem. Radiographs and photos will be taken to assess things. Once we knowwhat is going on, corrective plates such as bionators, myobrace, herbst maybe used to aid orthopaedic changes and to get rid of poor habits. The dentists atGeelong Family Dental Care will advise you on what we want you and your child to practice doing at home and what orthodontic options is suitable for thepatient.